Looking for ways to save money on your energy bills? Here are some effective energy-saving tricks to help you save money, reduce carbon emissions and make your home more energy efficient.

Insulation is a fast and effective way to improve your home’s energy efficiency. Did you know that up to 60% of your property’s heating is lost through un-insulated cavity walls and loft? By insulating your property, you can regulate the temperature and save up to £480 per year for cavity wall insulation, up to £580 per year for loft insulation and up to £130 per year for underfloor insulation.

Check out our ‘Services’ pages on our website for a breakdown of savings per property type. Data sourced from the Energy Saving Trust based on energy rates from April 2022.

  1. Switch off standby mode on your electrical appliances to save around £65 a year. You can use smart plugs to switch off standby mode remotely on your mobile phone.
  2. Insulating your hot cylinder with a jacket can save you approximately £70 a year in heating costs.
  3. Draught-proof your windows and doors to prevent heat loss through draughts. Professional draught-proofing of windows and doors can cost around £200, but can save up to £125 on energy bills.
  4. Switch to LED lights to save about £55 a year on energy bills. Remember to turn off lights when not in use to save a further approximate £25 a year.
  5. Latest room controls help you manage heating remotely and heat the in-use rooms more efficiently, giving you a greener awareness of controlling your heating. You can set timing for when the heat will start and end and control the temperature.
  6. Use your washing machine more carefully by keeping it running on a 30-degree cycle instead of high temperatures when possible and reduce your machine use by one run per week for a year and look to save around £34 a year.
  7. Try to hang your clothes on a washing line instead of using a tumble dryer. Avoid using a tumble dryer for your clothes: dry clothes on racks inside where possible or outside in warmer weather to save up to £70 a year.
  8. Reducing the time spent in the shower to just 4 minutes could save a typical household £95 a year on their energy bills.
  9. Swapping just one bath a week with a 4-minute shower could save you £20 a year on your energy bills.
  10. Small changes can make a big difference. Using a washing up bowl helps to save on water, avoid overfilling the kettle and only boiling the water you need and fitting an aerator on your tap, save around £43 a year.  Using your dishwasher when it’s full and reducing the number of cycles by one a week can save you £17 a year.

Check out chart below for a summary of the potential savings from each energy-saving trick.